Hard beginnings

Time passes by. For a programmer, each year means a lot of projects, especially projects which are never published. I’ve gathered some of mine and decided to show them. Each project has its own trac manager, so finally I’ll be able to collect feedback for them. As I have many small programs and applications, I’ll upload them gradually.

Apart from projects, this site will include my tech-blog. Sometimes, trying to solve some problem, I can’t google any answer. If I mange to cope with it, I’ll post solution here, so if anyone would encounter same difficulties as mine, it’d be easier for them :-)

I hope someone will find my projects and blog useful :-)

3 thoughts on “Hard beginnings”

  1. Well Hello, I wondered how long it will be till’ someone figured out Devplant and register it : ). Congratulations. Hope you will develop this into something nice.

    Alex from devplant dot com

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